Get to know the most active Safe Guardians and SafeDAO delegates in the ecosystem, ready to receive your delegation.
I believe we have an opportunity to build more resilient open-source ecosystems with decentralized governance. I'm dedicated to stewarding communities as they figure out their own governance culture & practices.
As a Safe builder with clarity on Safe’s problems and potential, I want to be a delegate to have an active voice stewarding its development, maintenance, and protection.
I am Founder & CEO at Coinshift and am on a mission to bring gnosis safe to the masses by building a sophisticated Treasury Management Infrastructure. 4+ years of experience in building on top of safe contracts and Happy to take active participation in the governance forums to thrive safe ecosystem
I care deeply about the success of the Safe ecosystem.
I spend a lot of time using and building on top of the Safe contracts, apps, and Zodiac. I've also been a delegate for Aave and Fei in the past. I'd love to bring that experience to the Safe community. 💪🔰
OG DeFi degen, used Gnosis before it was Safe.
🔥_🔥 is excited to help lead the Safe ecosystem towards a decentralised community centric future. Contributing to meaningful governance experimentation is what drives 🔥_🔥.
The Gnosis Safe is, without a doubt, one of the most trusted and important projects on Ethereum, securing tens of billions of dollars. As a delegate, I want to help keep the Gnosis Safe secure and user-friendly as it spins out of the broader Gnosis ecosystem. You can trust me to read every single proposal, participate in every vote, and weigh in on decisions as much as possible. I have a background in smart contract security (previously audited Open Zeppelin, dYdX, Augur, and more) as well as a background in contract-based accounts (previously cofounded Authereum). I trust the Safe contracts because I have personally audited them and have an intimate understanding of contract-based accounts, much of which I learned from studying the Safe contracts during the early days Authereum. As a delegate, I pledge to always put security first in every DAO decision and will weigh in on governance decisions from a technical standpoint when needed. I have also been a Gnosis Safe user for the past 2.5 years. I personally use a Gnosis Safe to secure the majority of my funds. A Gnosis Safe secures our team's funds at Hop. A separate Safe secures a portion of Hop DAO's funds. We used a Safe to secure Authereum's funds. The Gnosis Safe is a product that I use multiple times a week, and as a delegate, you can trust me to push for user experience improvements that will drive wider adoption and secure the Gnosis Safe as the goto evm-compatible multisig wallet. Lastly, I pledge to always vote in the best interest of the Gnosis Safe DAO and community. I will vote No on proposals that do not move the Gnosis Safe's core mission forward. I will not involve my personal interests in decision making, and should a conflict of interest arise, you can expect that I will disclose it and abstain from the vote.
I'm a core contributor at PeopleDAO. I value gnosis safe and advocate it actively.
SafeDAO is a decentralised collective, stewarding the thriving ecosystem around Safe smart accounts on Ethereum and other blockchains
SAFE Token acts as your key to participate in web3’s transition to smart accounts. Token holders tap into a diverse and ever-evolving ecosystem and govern the future of Safe.
Safe Guardians are active community members who have verifiable proof of commitment to the Safe vision
Token holders can delegate their votes to any address of their choice or to Safe Guardians using the SafeDAO Governance app within Safe{Wallet} or Snapshot
To foster a vibrant Safe ecosystem built on shared components and standards
The Safe ecosystem including governance shall be independent from any single entity, decentralised, and permissionless
Mechanisms should be created to link the growth of the Safe ecosystem to the utility of the Safe token
SafeDAO's governance is based on an iterative and dynamic structure. Check out the new governance framework outlining the key stakeholders, the dynamic governance approach and the governance process with its series of phases leading to a vote.
©2023–2024 Safe Ecosystem Foundation