Top notch security of multiple private keys (multi-sig) and rigorously audited contracts
Access controlled by many private keys enabling co-ownership and stronger security for individuals
We never own any of the assets stored in user accounts and never will
including testnets
Track your assets and transactions on mobile. Stay informed and sign transactions on-the-go
Track movement of your assets and transactions
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Safe{Wallet} stands as the leading wallet for Safe Smart Accounts and technology, provided as free open-source software under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.
For a comprehensive list of attribution notices for third-party software that may be contained in portions of the Safe{Wallet}, please visit Licenses. The website is operated by Core Contributors GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Safe{Wallet} is a registered trademark owned by the Safe Ecosystem Foundation. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation does not operate any implementations of Safe{Wallet}. Third parties may hold licenses for the Safe trademark and operate implementations of Safe{Wallet} under the foundation's trademark policy available at Trademark and/or other license agreements. Please note that the use of and access to the Safe{Wallet} is subject to terms and conditions provided by Core Contributors GmbH. The Safe Ecosystem Foundation makes no representations, warranties and/or covenants with respect to the Safe Technology (or any implementations of the Safe{Wallet} and/or Safe Smart Accounts) or any third party DeFi protocols, as to their technical properties and/or characteristics or performance, or their actual or potential usefulness or suitability for any particular purpose.
©2023–2024 Safe Ecosystem Foundation